AA Knitspin Ltd. is a 100% export oriented spinning mill at Nagar Howla, Sreepur, Gazipur, 70 km away from the capital Dhaka. The project is situated on 36 acres of land. The project is equipped with 2,55,000 spindles, 21,000 rotor with all back process machinery and has a daily production capacity of 150 MT of Cotton/blended yarn and 200 MT of OE Cotton yarn. The project is the biggest spinning mill under one roof in Bangladesh.

Mr. Solaiman Ahmed is the Managing Director of the Company. He has 7 years business experience in the textile sector. He comes off a renowned business family having a number of spinning mills, among others.

Employees Working Enviroment

Blow room is the first step of yarn production in spinning mills. A section in which compressed bales are opened, cleaned and blending or mixing to form uniforms lap of specific length is called Blow room section. The cleaning efficiency of blow room is 40 to 70%. This is the first section of spinning line for spinning of cotton yarn.

At this process the raw cotton in Bale form will be loosen, opened & cleaned. This is the starting stage of Spinning Process. Cotton from its constituent bales are blended and mixed at hopper feeder and processed through a series of opening and cleaning machines installed in the Blow Room. These machines can be used in various arrangements, which will provide different levels of cleaning. The cleaning lines also include a metal extractor and a central dust filter unit. The cleaning line opens the tufts of fibers and removes dirt, foreign impurities and thus provide cleaning and fiber preparation. Ultimately this opened and cleaned cotton is rolled into laps. Depending on the different grades of raw cotton. Their trash-content and degree of cleaning desired. 3-5 cleaning points are used, while the man-made staple fiber is processed in the blow room using only 2 cleaning points with other cleaning points bypassed according to the requirement.

Blow room is the first section in cotton spinning mill. In blow room section, opening, cleaning, blending and dust removing are done. So various types of machines are used in blow room section. They are:


Opening Machine: There are some opening machines used for bale opening in the blow room;

  • Bale Opener Machine
  • Porcupine Opener Machine
  • Crighton Opener Machine

Cleaning MachineThere are some Cleaning machines used for cleaning the fiber in the blow room;

  • Axo Flow Cleaner Machine
  • Axo Flow Cleaner Machine
  • Step Cleaner Or Ultra Cleaner Machine
  • S.R.L.L Cleaner Machine

Blending Machine: There are some blending and mixing machines used for fiber blending in the blow room;

  • Automatic Blending Box Machine
  • Double Chamber Blending Box Machine

Dust Removing Machine: There are some dusts removing machines used for special fiber cleaning process in the blow room;

  • Dustex Dx Machine
  • Heavy Part Separator Sp-H Machine

 Input & Output Material: Input material of blow room is raw cotton and output material is Lap / Tufts.

Name Of Device
Employees Working Enviroment

Carding is one of the most important operations in the spinning process as it directly determines the final features of the yarn, above all as far as the content of neps and husks are concerned. In fact “Card is the heart” of the spinning mill and “well carded is half spun” are two proverbs of the experts. The objectives of carding are to individualize the fibers, remove dust, short fibers and to convert the fibres in to a strand called Sliver. There are many objectives of the carding process are (i) Opening the tufts into individual Fibers (ii) Eliminating all the impurities contained in the Fiber that were not eliminated in the previous cleaning operations (iii) Selecting the Fibers on the basis of length, removing the shortest ones (iv) Removal of neps (v) Parallelizing and stretching of the Fiber (vi) Transformation of the lap into a sliver. High production in carding to economies the process leads to reduction in yarn quality. Higher the production, the more sensitive becomes the carding operation and greater danger of a negative influence on quality.

Input & Output Material: Input material of carding machine is lap / tufts and output material is carded sliver.

Name Of Device
Employees Working Enviroment
Name Of Device
Employees Working Enviroment
Name Of Device
Employees Working Enviroment
Name Of Device
Year of Incorporation
Corporate Office
Level 3 & 4, 47, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka – 1000
Nagar Howla , Sreepur, Gazipur.
Managing Director
Solaiman Ahmed
Senior Management Team
Roksana Rayen Ahmed
Deputy Managing Director

Sayem Ahmed
Deputy Managing Director

Sadia Rayen Ahmed
Deputy Managing Director

Solaiman Ahmed
Deputy Managing Director
Manufacturing & Selling/ Exporting of 100% Cotton / Blended Yarn & OE (Rotor) cotton Yarn
Target Market
Export Oriented RMG Industry
Production Facility
2,55,000 Spindle & 21,000 Rotor
Production Capacity
400 MT/Day
Project Land
108 Bigha
Direct Employment
6590 person
Total Asset
Tk. 13168 million
Total Liabilities
Tk. 12910 million
Net Worth
Tk. 259 million
Total Yearly Sales
USD 39.45 million (Eqvt. BDT 3315 million)

Head Office Location

Level: 3 & 4, 47, Motijheel C/A

Dhaka – 1000. Telephone # 09612-888888

Factory Address

Nagor Howla, Sreepur, Gazipur.

Telephone # 09612-888888